

Mardi 12/09/2023

Révision : Daytona sand - 3 Tequila floor

Mardi 19/09/2023

Révision : Daytona and- 3 Tequila  floor - Nouvelle : Right girl wrong time (PDF)

Mardi 26/09/2023

Révision : Daytona sand - 3 Tequila floor  - Dust to Dust - Right girl wrong time

Mardi 03//2023

Révision : 3 Tequila floor

Mardi 10/10/2023

Révision : 3 Tequila floor - Right girl wrong time

Mardi 17/10/2023

Mini-bal révision

Mardi 24/10/2023

Révision : 3 Tequila floor - Right girl wrong time - Nouvelle : Road to errogie (PDF)


Mercredi 13/09/2023

Révision : Devil in a dress  - Nouvelle : Dumb lunck (PDF)

Mercredi 20/09/2023

Révision : Devil in a dress - Dumb luck

Mercredi 27/09/2023

Révision : Devil in a dress - Dumb luck - Everyone needs a hero - Never gonna not dance - Out out

Mercredi 11/10/2023

Révision : Devil in a dress - Dumb luck

Mercredi 18/10/2023

Révision :  Devil in a dress - Dumb luck  Nouvelle : If you believe (PDF)

Mercredi 25/10/2023

Révision :  Devil in a dress - Dumb luck  Nouvelle : Shouting to the monsters (PDF)


Mardi 07/11/2023

Révision : Daytona sand - 3 Tequila floor  - Dust to Dust -  Right girl wrong time - Road to errogie

Mardi 14/11/2023

Révision : The difference - 3 Tequila floor  - Right girl wrong time - Road to errogie - Nouvelle : Ghosted (PDF)

Mardi 21/11/2023

Révision : Daytona sand -  Right girl wrong time -  3 Tequila floor - Road to errogie - Ghosted - Dust to dust

Mardi 28/11/2023

Révision : Daytona sand - Dust to dust - Ghosted - Darts in the dark - Road to errogie

Mardi 05/12/2023

Révision :  Dust to dust - Ghosted - 3 to tequila floor - Going going gone - Road to errogie - Knock off - Come my way - Impossible love

Mardi 12/12/2023

Révision :  Dust to dust - Ghosted - Road to errogie - Darts in the dark

Mardi 19/12/2023

Mini-bal de révision


Mercredi 08/11/2023

Pas de cours. Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire.

Mercredi 15/11/2023

Révision : If you believe - Shouting to the monsters - Devil in a dress

Mercredi 22/11/2023

Révision : Dumb luck - Shouting to the monsters - Nouvelle : Hurts my soul (PDF)

Mercredi 29/11/2023

Révision : Dumb luck - Shouting to the monsters - If you believe - Shouting to the monsters - Devil in a dress - Hurts my soul

Mercredi 06/12/2023

Révision : Devil in a dress - Everyone needs a hero - Never gonna not dance - Out out - 1+1 - If you beleive - Hurts my soul

Mercredi 13/12/2023

Révision : If you beleive - Hurts my soul - Shouting to the monsters - Nouvelle : Men on a mission (PDF)

Mercredi 20/12/2023

Révision : If you beleive - Hurts my soul - Shouting to the monsters - Dumb luck - Men on a mission - Devil in a dress


Mardi 09/01/2024

Révision : Ghosted - Darts in the dark  - Nouvelle : Around the fire (PDF)

Mardi 16/01/2024

Révision : Dust to dust - Around the fire - Darts in the dark - Nouvelle : Year of the young (PDF)

Mardi 23/01/2024

Révision : Dust to dust - Around the fire - Darts in the dark - Road to errogie - Year of the young- Ghosted

Mardi 30/01/2024

Révision : Ghosted  - Around the fire -  Road to errogie - Year of the young - Nouvelle : Telling on my heart (PDF)

Mardi 06/02/2024

Révision : Ghosted - Telling on my heart - Daytona sand - 3 tequila floor - Around the fire - Right girl wrong time - Year of the young - Darts in the dark - Dust to Dust -- Road to errogie

Mardi 13/02/2024

Mini-bal de révision


Mercredi 10/01/2024

Révision : Hurts my soul - Men on a mission - Nouvelle : FestiNight (PDF)

Mercredi 17/01/2024

Révision : If you believe - FestiNight - Men on a mission - Nouvelle : Without the memories (PDF)

Mercredi 24/01/2024

Révision : If you believe - FestiNight - Men on a mission  - Without the memories

Mercredi 31/01/2024

Révision : If you believe - FestiNight - Men on a mission  - Without the memories -  Hurts my soul

Mercredi  07/2/2024

Révision : If you believe - FestiNight  - Dumb luck - Hurts my soul - Devil in a dress - Without the memories - Men on a mission - Shouting to the monsters

Mercredi  14/2/2024

Révision : If you believe -Men on a mission - Shouting to the monsters -Without the memories  - Nouvelle :  When you're drunk (PDF)


Mardi 05/03/2024

Révision : Telling on my heart - Nouvelle :  Crystal Cha (PDF)

Mardi 12/03/2024

Révision : Telling on my heart -Year of the young - Crystal Cha - Darts in the dark

Mardi 19/03/2024

Révision : Telling on my heart - Crystal Cha  - Dust to dust - Around the fire - Ghosted - Right girl wrong time - Calypso mexico

Mardi 26/03/2024

Révision : Darts in the dark - Daytona Sand - Dust to dust - 3 Tequila floor - Nouvelle : In walked you (PDF)

Mardi 02/04/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Telling on my heart -Year of the young - Around the fire

Mardi 09/04/2024

Mini bal de révision


Mercredi 06/03/2024

Révision : When you're drunk - Nouvelle : I showed you the door (PDF)

Mercredi 13/03/2024

Révision : When you're drunk - I showed you the door - Festinight - Men on a mission - Without the memories

Mercredi 20/03/2024

Révision : When you're drunk - I showed you the door - Without the memories - How love is made - Never gonna not dance

Mercredi 27/03/2024

Révision : I showed you the door

Mercredi 03/04/2024

Révision : I showed you the door - When you're drunk - Without the memories - FestiNight - Men on a mission

Mercredi 10/04/2024

Révision : I showed you the door - When you're drunk - Without the memories -  Nouvelle : Burn my tongue (PDF)


Mardi 30/04/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Telling on my heart -Year of the young - Around the fire

Mardi 07/05/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Telling on my heart -Year of the young - Around the fire -  Nouvelle : 1,2,3, Wiskey (PDF)

Mardi 14/05/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Telling on my heart -  1,2,3, Wiskey -   Nouvelle : Straight Line (PDF)

Mardi 21/05/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Telling on my heart -  1,2,3, Wiskey -  Straight Line

Mardi 28/05/2024

Révision : Crystal Cha - In walked you - Straight Line - Nouvelle : Washed up in Austin (PDF)

Mardi 04/06/2024

Révision : In walked you - Straight Line - Washed up in Austin - Crystal cha- 123 Wiskey

Mardi 11/06/2024

Révision : In walked you - Straight Line - Washed up in Austin - 123 Wiskey - Nouvelle : Randy Dandy oh (PDF)

Mardi 18/06/2024

Révision : In walked you - Straight Line - Washed up in Austin - 123 Wiskey - Randy Dandy oh

Mardi 25/06/2024

Pas de cours : rattrapage 02/07/2024

Mardi 02/07/2024

Révision :   (Fin de la saison)


Mercredi 8/05/2024

Révision : cours annulé

Mercredi 15/05/2024

Révision : When you're drunk - Without the memories - FestiNight - Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue

Mercredi 22/05/2024

Révision : When you're drunk - Without the memories - FestiNight - Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue - Nouvelle : Domino  (PDF)

Mercredi 29/05/2024

Révision : When you're drunk -  Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue -  Domino

Mercredi 05/06//2024

Révision : When you're drunk -  Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue -  Domino - Dumb luck - If you beleive - Devil in the dress - Hurts my soul

Mercredi 12/06//2024

Révision : When you're drunk -  Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue -  Domino - Nouvelle : Find the beat (PDF)

Mercredi 19/06//2024

Révision : Work the world - I showed you the door - Burn my tongue -  Domino - Men on a mission - Hurts my soul - Find the beat

Mercredi 26/06//2024

Mini bal de révision (Fin de la saison)
